Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What are Mediation and Arbitration Services?

If you're going through a legal battle, or foresee yourself going through a legal battle in the near future, arbitration or mediation services might help. Both of these options are often low-cost, sensible ways to solve conflicts and disputes without spending a ton of money or spending months in a court room. It's important to understand what these services are, in case you find yourself in need of them in the future.

What is Mediation and Arbitration?

Rather than going into a court of law to battle out certain issues, you can choose to go through mediation or arbitration. This is what happens: a third-party or mediator will listen to both parties explain the situation and their desires. The mediator has been trained to diffuse situations and help both parties come to a sensible solution that will make both sides happy. This can keep tempers from running hot and can keep individuals from taking actions that they will regret.

Benefits of Mediation and Arbitration Services

With mediation or arbitration, it's easy to save a lot of money because you don't need attorney services, even though some individuals choose to keep their attorneys. In addition, you'll often save a lot of money in court costs. Rather than having a long, drawn-out battle, you can get solutions sooner. With a calmer atmosphere, there’s no need to go through the stress and trauma that you may have to go through in a courtroom. This is beneficial to you, the other party, your family, and your health.

Many people use mediation or arbitration for divorce rather than dragging their families into a difficult court battle. Not only is there the potential to save a lot of money, but there is the potential to save a lot of time and heartache.

Mediation and arbitration are great alternatives to nasty legal battles.

Using a Mediator for Divorce

If you plan on getting a divorce, you might want to consider using the services of a mediator. By doing so, you can save yourself a lot of time and a lot of money. In addition, mediation often keeps situations calmer and much less stressful than traditional divorces in a courtroom.

What is Mediation?
Rather than going to a regular courtroom and battling it out with attorneys, mediation takes place in a separate place with a third party. The third party, or mediator, will listen calmly to you and your spouse, and will work to keep the situation very calm. This helps you and your spouse come to an agreement that you will both appreciate. Mediation can often lead to compromise that is often not realized in a stressful court of law.

Do You Need Attorneys?
You actually do not need attorneys with mediation. You get the chance to make your own decisions rather than allowing a judge to make those decisions for you. However, you do have the ability to retain your attorney if you prefer. Mediation is not about tricking you into things, but about helping you and your spouse come to compromises that really work.

How Long Does the Process Usually Take?

Many mediators recommend at least a few sessions that can last a couple of hours. This will give you the opportunity to discuss all issues at hand and make decisions based on you and your spouse’s desires. If custody issues and child support issues need to be discussed, it could take a little longer than this. However, it’s often worth it because there is much less stress involved.

Mediation can be a wonderful opportunity to part amicably rather than going through a nasty battle that can be traumatic and stressful.

Can You Get an Online Divorce?

In this day and age, individuals can do many things online - from purchasing a car to hiring an employee. IN fact, even things that would normally be a lot of trouble (such as divorce), can be done online. There are a few differences, though. Below, we'll discuss online divorces and how they work.

Online divorces are often much cheaper than hiring an attorney in your hometown and going to court. In fact, with some sites, you can get a divorce for just a few hundred dollars. This gives you the opportunity to save a lot of money with your divorce. Some websites require the divorce to be uncontested, so you need to research this before making up your mind.

Getting an online divorce does not mean that everything can be done from the comfort of your computer chair. Your spouse will most likely need to be served divorce papers, and there are forms that you will have to file with the court in your area. You may also need to discuss things like child support and custody issues with the judge or your spouse. Getting an attorney is recommended, although you don’t necessarily need one. Someone to fight in your corner (especially if your spouse has an attorney) is never a bad idea.

Usually, you'll give your information to the online staff and they'll fill out the forms you need in order to obtain your divorce. You'll file these forms at your local divorce court, and you'll appear before the judge in order to complete the divorce process. It's important to research any website that claims they can help you get a divorce before you choose one. By taking the time to research any site fully, you can be sure that you will have made the right decision.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Tips

When you are facing a potential dispute, there are a hundred things running through your mind. How to protect yourself, what steps to take, and what you should know are just a few of the things you might be considering. You might even be prepared for a lengthy court battle just to get your point across. However, there are alternatives to spending weeks or possibly months in court. Below, you’ll get some great alternative dispute resolution tips.

Think with a Clear Head

Sometimes, it’s easy to get too close to the problem to really see how you can fix it. Take a little time out for yourself to get your head cleared and to think about a reasonable solution. For instance, if you’re being threatened with divorce, ask your spouse for some time to think. Rather than spending every minute worrying about what’s going to happen, take some time to do something that puts you at ease. This will allow you to escape the stress and frustration for a while so that when you come back to the problem, you have a clear head.


Rather than hiring one of the most savvy attorneys in your area and digging your heels in for a rough court case, consider mediation. Especially with divorces, mediation is a huge benefit and a wonderful alternative to court. Not only can you spare yourself and your family the trauma and emotions of a nasty court battle, but you have the potential to save yourself a lot of money. In addition, you and the other party get to come to agreements that make both of you happy instead of relying on a judge you don’t know to make huge decisions about your life.

Mediation can be very beneficial, and since the atmosphere is usually much calmer than a court case, you won’t go through all the stress and trauma. In addition, mediators are trained to diffuse situations so that you and the other party can think clearly and come to reasonable compromises. You should know that attorneys aren’t necessarily required with mediation. Although many people decide to retain their personal attorneys, you can actually use mediation to keep from having to hire an attorney.

Talk to the Other Party

After things have cooled off, spend some time trying to talk to the other party. No matter what the dispute is about, you should be able to look at it from their point of view. They should try to do the same, ideally. This can give you both the opportunity to come up with compromises that benefit you both – and can often prevent the need for a lengthy battle in the courtroom.

Disputes happen all over the place, and very often. However, if you spend some time really thinking about alternatives, the chances are that you can both walk away unharmed and without hard feelings. Considering the options above can allow you to do this and still be satisfied with the outcome of the dispute.